Whether your to-do list is full of positive or not so fun things, it is so easy to want to give up and yell "HOW AM I GOING TO DO IT ALL!!" or get so overwhelmed you do nothing and distract yourself from what is really important, also known as procrastinating. Whenever I feel like this I remind myself to be grateful for all the things I have on my plate. All the opportunities and responsibilities you have are gifts to learn from. Some people would love to have some of items on your checklist that you keep putting off. Also, never underestimate where small steps can take you. Be patient, achieving your goals is never as far away as it seems. Use this month to get ahead, even if it is one step at a time!
“Whenever I get overwhelmed, I remember what my car mirrors taught me
Things are not as far away as they seem””
One Step At A Time
in Writing