DIY watch

green crafts

Don't throw away those egg cartons!!!
ow that you've had many eggs cooked & decorated, you are probably left with many empty egg cartons. They can be up-cycled to many creative uses. Let's get crafty and be green all at the same time. 

* little note: You can totally leave out the egg shells. 
* little reminder: Succulents need very little water.


DIY round-up : easter

Easter is just around the corner and it's time for kids to get excited. Easter is like Halloween in spring. We get to hunt for colorful eggs filled with goodies that they collect in a basket or many baskets (lol). Personally, I think it's much better than Halloween, because it's full of bunnies and pastel colors (much more filled with hope). Here are some awesome DIY sure to bring smiles. Happy Crafting!

​Easter Egg Surprise Balls : Cakies

​Easter Egg Surprise Balls : Cakies

​Confetti Egg Game : Oh Happy Day

​Confetti Egg Game : Oh Happy Day

​Carrot Snack Bag : Armelle Blog

​Carrot Snack Bag : Armelle Blog

diy watch : textbook covers

Get more KIN PARENTS tips & advice: A new school years means a whole new set of text books! Extend the shelf life of your books with an attractive and utilitarian cover. Our Kin Parents Producer Robert Mahar put his twist on the standard brown bag covers using colorful wrapping paper and designing it to have pockets to organize paperwork.

I'll keep it coming, but feel free to go watch more of Kin Community videos. Get inspired, be creative and bloom!